Americott is a global cotton Ginnery and machinery supplier which has focused the growth of its business around strong long-term relationships with their clients.
We offer a wide array of cotton gin solutions to suit the needs of ginners, both in terms of quality and cost.

We believe in "on the ground" knowledge: quality gin building requires a combination of both knowledge of machinery, the clients time scheduling and a myriad of important job details that only experience can provide for a smooth, cost effective, timely transaction.

We provide quality personalized services in an industry dominated by a primary focus on the US market. Other companies class International sales secondary, where we at Americott strive to maintain equality in our services to all our clients.
We are committed to our values of reliability and trust.


Over 25 years in Cotton

Our History defines us, we have knowledge and experience that can only be gained through actually being in the industry for this length of time.




  • Americott receives the 2013 & 2014 Award for excellence in the Cotton Industry